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    Survey: Caravanning vacationers are happier and more environmentally conscious

    Caravanning tourists are not only happier than the rest of the population, they also place great value on sustainability. This is the result of a GfK survey. The results of the survey make it clear that travelers who spend their holiday with a motor caravan or caravan assess their living situation more positively than the rest of the respondents. The target group is also characterized by a strong interest in the topics of nature and sustainability.

    More and more travellers are becoming enthusiastic about caravanning holidays, as shown by the fact that new registrations of motor caravans and caravans have been rising for years. Why this form of holiday is inspiring more and more people becomes clear in the course of a new study: In a representative survey conducted on behalf of the Caravaning Industrie Verband (CIVD) by the market research institute GfK, 2001 people were asked about their holiday interests, well-being and their attitude to nature and sustainability, among other things.

    Caravanning tourists are happier and close to nature
    The group of caravanning holidaymakers surveyed assess their personal well-being more positively overall than the average population. The statement “I am a cheerful and good-tempered person.” would be agreed to by 69 percent of the overall population and 79 percent of caravanning tourists. The statement “I am positive about my future.” was agreed to by 65 percent of travelers with a leisure vehicle. This is an increment of 10 percent points compared to the average population. The subject area of nature and sustainability is also very important to caravanning tourists. The caravanning target group is not only paying more attention to sustainability on the road. The statement “I try to get around in an environmentally friendly way in everyday life.” was answered in the positive by 66 percent of caravanning tourists, a remarkable difference of 13 percent points compared to the population as a whole (53 percent).

    How regions profit from the caravanning boom
    The popularity of the mobile way of traveling and the great importance of nature and sustainability for caravanning holidaymakers offer huge potential for many regions: Holidays in motor caravans or caravans will continue to gain in attractiveness. Caravanning is not only a pandemic-ready, but also an ecologically compatible form of travel, which makes it particularly suitable for tapping into the potential for added value in tourism in rural areas.

    Areas that are still underdeveloped in terms of tourism can exploit this potential for themselves, as the necessary investments are relatively low and can be implemented quickly. Environmental compatibility is one reason why younger people in particular are interested in a caravan or motor caravan vacation. Therefore, the caravanning industry will work together with the tourist destinations to further develop the offers for caravanning holidaymakers. The high level of agreement among caravanning travelers on sustainability issues also shows that caravanning can play an important role in the tourism industry in achieving climate goals. Sustainability and experiencing nature will play a very important role in the future, especially in the tourism industry.


    Report of the online survey>>


    Source: CIVD.DE