
    Home > Press Releases > China Caravaning and Camping Industry Survey 2013 Results Released

    China Caravaning and Camping Industry Survey 2013 Results Released

    China’s caravanning and camping industry is still at the initial growth stage. In order to know the market situation of China’s caravanning and camping industry and insiders' views on the industry, detect the public’s demand for the caravanning and camping industry, and provide reference data for stable growth of the industry, the organizer of All in CARAVANING 2013 set up a column of “China Caravaning and Camping Industry Survey” under the online visitor pre-registration section. The organizer, together with senior experts from associations, enterprises and media, conducted a questionnaire survey of pre-registered visitors with 10 selected representative questions. Totally 166 visitors voluntarily responded to this questionnaire, whose age structure is shown below:

    The survey results show that:

    85.71% of them had self-driving travel experience, of whom 45.83% had outdoor camping experience and 33.33% had caravanning travel experience. Only 13.79% already had caravans, lower than the expected figure. This indicates that there is a great potential in Chinese caravan sales market, and many visitors of All in CARAVANING are potential consumers. 65.52% of the informants selected “willing to participate in caravaning tourist activities”, half of whom planned to buy or rent a caravan. Between motor caravans and caravans, 80% planned to buy a motor caravan. As analyzed by the organizer, this was probably because it was easier for a motor caravan to be registered and driven on road.

    There is a small difference between the preference to imported caravans and that to home-made ones.

    In respect to the main factors of caravan selection, “caravan’s performance and quality (drivability, safety, comfort, etc.)” was selected by astonishing 90.47% of the informants, followed by “aftersales service”. This result suggests that price is not a main factor affecting people’s decisions on caravan purchase. Their budget ranges for a caravan are shown below (in RMB).

    When being asked “What’s the most attractive of caravanning travel to you compared to the traditional way of travelling?”, “more flexible travel plan, enjoy life anytime, anywhere” and “a brand new way of traveling, manifestation of personalization” were most selected.

    In the survey, the informants suggested that improvements needed to be made in the following areas in order to promote the development of the caravanning tourist industry in China.

    • Conceptual dissemination of caravaning and camping as a way of travelling
    • Construction and improvement of campsites
    • Convenience in caravan use (vehicle insurance availability, vehicle license, driving legality, parking site, etc.)
    • Aftersales service of caravans (warranty period, caravan user training, daily maintenance, aftersales service network, accessory replacement, etc.)

    Jointly organized by Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., YASN International Exhibition Co., Ltd., China National Travel Service (HK) Group Corporation, China Association of Automotive Manufacturers (CAAM), and The Recreational Vehicle Industry Committee of Association (STCCA)of CTACA, All in CARAVANING 2014 will be held in Beijing Exhibition Center, Beijing, P. R. China on June 27-29, 2014.